Monday, September 19, 2011

#6 Run a race together as a family

I put this down because I love the thought of our family being in the habit of doing active things together. Matt on the other hand does not like the thought of paying money to run. And he really didn't want to pay for the kids to run. So I was excited when our Stake did a 5K Fun run. It was free, and very low key. Matt and I both pushed strollers. Chase ran the whole time and finished in 34 minutes which is pretty awesome for a little guy!
Aspen hopped in my jogging stroller a couple of times for a break, but I would say she ran at least 2 miles of it... It was really Fun! I am looking forward to doing it again next year!

P.S. Chase thinks now that he has completed a 5K maybe him and I should train for an Iron Man together... Yeah Right! Baby Steps Bud!

Monday, August 22, 2011

#19 Go to Sand Hollow

We came here 2 years ago and my kids have been DYING to go back ever since. It is so much fun. Kind of like a Mini Lake Powell. We spent the entire time we were there (other than when we were sleeping or eating) in the water. It is so Hot outside. The water feels PERFECT!! It is not cold at all, but still refreshing enough to cool you off.It was really fun to have my family there with us. The kids loved playing together. We brought this raft, and Matt was taking the kids all over the place in it. And also playing some monster game where he would swim around it and pop up some where and growl at them. Every one loved this game except Lola, she thought it was kind of freaky.Zoe and Aspen made a little pool for Lola. Lola played in it for a long time. She would rub the sand all over herself and then splash in the water until it came off, and then do it all over again.
Aspen kept playing this game with Scott where she would say "save me!" and then she would fall down in the water and Scott would run over and try to lift her up. It was so funny to see him trying to lift her out of the water.Poor Lola picked up a hot coal while we were there and burnt her hand. My Dad had made a yummy dutch oven dinner,and he had put all the coals in a fire pit that had a little metal wall around it to keep the kiddies safe. It was really windy though and one of the coals must have blown off while he was carrying them because she found a random hot coal out in the middle of the dirt. It was far away from the fire pit and far away from where my Dad had cooked the dinner. She was so sad, but she cheered up pretty quick. We happened to be really close to a Walmart, thankfully, so we got her all fixed up and then she was good to go for the rest of the time. I thought she was so cute with her little tiny hand wrapped up though.Lola was pretending her sandwich was a phone. She kept putting it to her ear and saying "Hello". My Mom started laughing and then answered by saying hello back and so Lola thought my Mom needed a turn talking on the sandwich. She went back and forth from my Moms ear to her ear. It was so cute.A couple people in my family did a dive while we were there. After they got back my dad was excited to take Chase out and let him practice breathing under water. Chase was game at first, but as they were making their way out there he had second thoughts. I don't blame him, because I can't bring myself to try it either. But it broke my Dad's tender little heart, and shattered his hopes and dreams of taking all his grandsons on a dive trip to Tahiti. Tahiti is pretty tempting Dad! You might even get me to get certified for a trip like that, who knows... It could happen.Zoe seriously loves to play house with Lola. It is just fun to have a real live baby to play with. Now add to that the fact that she also has a mini boat that she can push and pull, and a shallow lake that she can swim in, and you've got one HAPPY girl on your hands. She was in heaven. I was close by to supervise so Lola was very seldom in grave danger.We got there about 6:00 Friday night and it was still SO HOT! I took my kids down to the lake to splash around a bit, not thinking they would end up getting totally drenched but they did. Chase just jumped in wearing all his clothes. Aspen took her pants off and swam in a t-shirt and undies. I was ready to strip down and hop in too but I controlled myself. We let them swim until it was too dark for us to see them anymore. They had a blast.There were a ton of bugs down there so Zeke got all lathered up with bug spray before he was let loose to crawl as he pleased. The red sand just clung right to him, at one point he was sporting a two-face look.

#28 Go to a Real Game.

This is one of the first things we checked off our list of things to do this year, I just forgot to bring my camera and take a picture. So I have been holding off posting it because I decided we would just go to another one. But we didn't get around to it, so this will have to do.

These games are so much fun! The game we went to nobody scored. At the end of the game it was still 0-0. Only in soccer can you sit there for an hour and a half without seeing anyone make a single goal! It was intense though, so we still had a good time!

#27 Start the BYU MBA program

Matt is officially a Zoobie! He started school the first week of August. It has already been a lot of work, so wish us luck! He is excited though!

#26 Finish the Pond

This has been on Matt's list of things to do since we moved here. He bought everything he needed for the pond the first summer we lived here and then it sat in our garage for a couple of years before he finally got around to putting it in. Part of the reason for that is because I kept trying to talk him OUT of putting a pond in the back yard. I was really, really nervous about having a pond. He assured me he would do whatever I needed him to, in order for me to feel comfortable with it. So we got a vinyl fence around it, with a pad lock on the gate, and we have convinced our children there is a Lochness Monster in there.It turned out good though. Matt did a great Job! One of the kids favorite things to do at night is throw the fish their food (from over the fence FYI) and watch them come up to eat it.

#4 Teach Lola to say Daddy...

Guess what she can say? She says it so cute too!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

#12 What? Eat it? As you wish...

Well you can't just kill fish for no good reason. The kids really wanted to go fishing, so I told them if we caught anything we would have to eat it. Quinn was nice enough to cook it up for us. It was TASTY!